Silguard (Silica Absorbent)

Silguard (Silicon)

Soil Silica Absorbent for protection from insects and pests


Organic Silica Absorbent

Contents : Different Herbal Extracts as root activators: Cynadon Dactylon, Glycyrrhiza Globra, Surfactant, Aqua Solution.

Silguard makes availability of Silica to the plant which is already present in soil to the extent of around 60-70%. This Silica is not absorbed by normal and weak roots. Silguard sprayed on plant or drenched near roots, activates the roots in such a way that vacuum is created from steam up to the roots. This helps roots to absorb Silica from soil. Absorbed Silica forms a protective shield around plant as it gets deposited in cell membrane. The leaves become thicker and hence it can resist the insect bite as well as fungus attack. It also helps in reducing the water evaporation. It also makes plant more resistant to changing climatic conditions.

Time of Application:

1st Spray: 15-20 days after transplantation / germination
2"nd Spray: At flowering or fruit setting stage (20 days after 1st spray)
3rd Spray: 15 days after 2nd spray.

Dosage :- 1ml per litre Water