
Plant Protector
TransFix is an unique combination having dual properties and is to be mixed with Insecticide / Pesticide / Fungicide / PGR Sprays.
TransFixwhen mixed with these sprays not only spreads and penetrates the solutions on plants but also protect the plant from insect attack and various other diseases.
Herbal extract present in TransFix strengthen cell wall and offers natural protective shield to plants. This reduces insect and fungal attack on plants. It also makes plant more resistant to changing climatic condition.
TransFix also spreads on leaf surface providing wetting, sticking and rain fastness effect. It gives good results on hard to wet surfaces such as waxy leaves.
Dosage : Mix 50 ml of TransFix in 100 liters of water and spray
Time of Application:
1 st spray : At Panicle initiation stage
2 nd spray : 8 - 10 days after first spray
3 rd spray : As per requirement.
Vegetable & Other crops
1 st spray : After flowering stage
2 nd spray : 8 - 10 days after first spray
3 rd spray : As per requirement.